Sunday, July 1, 2018

A Word from the Walkers

Thank you for being a part of our adventure. 

Together Everyone Achieves More 

This picture has been stuck in my mind since last week.  We were running a Richmond Ropes team building program with sophomores from 14 area high schools.  We give the youth an objective and they work together to achieve it.  As they worked together, I snapped this picture because it encouraged me.  Why? Because I saw what I think God would see.  Teamwork!  It didn't matter the race, the gender, the just mattered that they were all working together to achieve the one objective put before them.  They put aside all of their differences to respect each other and accomplish the task.
Often the first step in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ is to build a relationship with someone else.  This starts with respect for each other and seeing the giftings in each person even when the other person does not realize this gift is from the Lord.  We then get to share how the Lord created us and how much love and grace He has for each of us. 

We need your help!  For the past almost 10 years, we have lived dependent on the financial support of others.  As full time missionaries, we need your financial and prayer support in order to share the love of Jesus full time. Would you please pray about supporting us financially?
We are really struggling at this time to remain in missions full time. Can you please help? 
Donations can be given at:
Paypal account:

Thank you for your financial support and prayers. 
Upcoming Travel Plans:
July 5th to July 16th: Florida (Life for Youth Camp, Vero Beach)
August 6th to August 24th: Indiana
Please call or text Debbie to see if we can set up a visit.
Copyright © 2018 Ned and Debbie Walker, All rights reserved.
Thank you for being a part of the Walker Family Ministry. To Donate please go to:

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Ned and Debbie Walker
1509 Carlisle Ave
Richmond, VA 23231

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Walker Family

Walker Family
Samantha, Ned, Jesse, Debbie & Hannah

What are the Walkers doing right now?

We are moving!!

The last week of August, our family will be moving long-term to Santiago, Dominican Republic. We will be working with YWAM Santiago and the Martin Family! We are super excited about this transition. But also praying for wisdom as we figure out visa's, residency, what to do with our things, etc...

As always, we are praying that the Lord will use us wherever we are!

Lord, help us not to miss the things you have prepared for us to do!