Monday, January 1, 2018

Walker 5 News

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Happy New Year 2018

Let's Follow The Star Together

During the Christmas Eve service, the Children's Pastor Megan called the children to the stage and asked them what their family put on top of the Christmas tree.  There were multiple answers but the common one was a star.  Why a star?  It was the star that led the Wise Men to Jesus. The star is a reminder of what to follow that will lead us to Jesus. She challenged the children and the rest of us to follow the star to Jesus all year long. 
When we follow the star, we find Jesus and when we find Jesus, we fall in love with Him and we want to serve Him and we want to share Him with others.
The message really made me think, what is the star that we are following? Where is our star that will lead us to Jesus? We aren't privileged to have a star shining brightly in the sky for us to follow all the time.  We don't have a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire at night like the Israelites.  But what we have is even better! We have the ability to always look for and follow Jesus. We have the Bible that guides us and fellow believers to help challenge us, We even have the hard times and hard people in life that we can use to lead us to Jesus. But sometimes we need to see something to remind us to look for Jesus. At the response time at service, Megan invited us each to take a star and to hang it somewhere that we will see it each day to be reminded to look for Jesus daily.
Together in 2018, let's resolve to follow the star to Jesus every day.  To look for Jesus in all things and all the people that we come across.
Please join us in 2018 reaching the people of Richmond, Virginia and those around the world that come and train with us at YWAM VA and those that our family and our teams reach through trips overseas.
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Ned and Debbie Walker
1509 Carlisle Ave
Richmond, VA 23231

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Walker Family

Walker Family
Samantha, Ned, Jesse, Debbie & Hannah

What are the Walkers doing right now?

We are moving!!

The last week of August, our family will be moving long-term to Santiago, Dominican Republic. We will be working with YWAM Santiago and the Martin Family! We are super excited about this transition. But also praying for wisdom as we figure out visa's, residency, what to do with our things, etc...

As always, we are praying that the Lord will use us wherever we are!

Lord, help us not to miss the things you have prepared for us to do!