Saturday, September 3, 2016

Walker 5 News

We are excited about our fall plans. Thanks for being a part.
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First Photo for our Newsletters... 8 years ago!

Writing a newsletter is one of the hardest but easiest things that I do.
It is hard because many times we are just living life.  Now this life is lived intentionally in order to do our best to share the love of God with everyone that crosses our paths but we are still living life just like you. It is easy because you are such a part of us and we want you to always know what is going on.  So as I sat down today to write what is happening, I realized that it has been 8 years today that Ned came home from work with those dreadful yet promising words.  "I got laid off today.  But that's okay... I have never had trouble finding a job before." Well, he did that time.  It was a long month filling out lots and lots of applications for both of us and writing resumes.  That was the beginning of our transition into missions.  4 months later we had sold our belongings and given up our house and moved to YWAM Orlando to pursue this dream of missions that God had placed in our hearts. Guess what?  Dreams are easy to dream but they are very hard to live.  Sometimes dreams feel like nightmares even!  But God is faithful and we need to persevere and we need to remember and look back at all that God has done as we move forward to see what great purposes God still has for us.
If you are living in a hard spot today, keep your eyes on God and keep trusting Him.  He will not let you down.  Remember like Proverbs 19:21 says, "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."  God has a purpose for you and your family.  Give up your plans to God and allow Him to turn them into His Purposes!

Fall is often a time of changes.  Leaves change, season change, lives change.  New things, schools, etc, start up.
Well, our fall is going to be one of changes and learning!
if we don't make our needs met, you wont know what they are
We have some immediate financial needs so we are sharing them here.  We don't allows send them in our newsletter but we need to get the word out.

Please pray about helping with these needs:
$800 for Debbie to go teach where she recently visited
Fees for the Impact Intensive and car usage..see below
Summer support was very limited, so we are really stressed for funds for groceries and everyday needs.

Impact Intensive Training at YWAMKC

YWAM Kansas City is offering a training that Ned and Debbie will be attending.  Here is an exerpt from them and the link for you to check it out:

A new major evangelistic movement is beginning across the nations! Impact World, a ministry of Youth With A Mission, has been used in countries around the world as a tool for evangelizing and discipling the emerging generation! Hundreds of thousands have come to Christ.

As we go to the states to do this training, we have extra financial needs.  We have been blessed with the tickets to attend but we still need $500 for the training fees.  We also need $450 for the car usage fees while we are stateside.  Plus additional funds for the extras of being stateside.
Will you please pray about giving to this need?

We recently showed this movie to celebrate the ending of Summer Kidz Club and the start of school.  We had children and moms with tears in their eyes as they accepted Jesus for themselves.
You probably saw this post on facebook if you are friends with Debbie on there.  If you are not, send her a friend request and like our ministry page Walker5forGod.
Quick update on Sammi
She is in Cartersville, Georgia living with Ned's sister and husband and working at a little boutique/coffee shop called Meg Pie.  If you click on the link and go to clothes, you will see she is also a model.  She is also helping, as you can see here, with their home that is being featured as a Magnolia Designer Show House with the Atlanta Magazine.  Plus has some new adventures in the works that she will tell you about soon.   Hannah is visiting her now and Jesse will while Ned and I are in KC along with visiting the grandparents.
Copyright © 2016 Ned and Debbie Walker, All rights reserved.
Thank you for being a part of the Walker Family Ministry. To Donate please go to:

Our mailing address is:
Ned and Debbie Walker
Agape Flights DMG 27519
100 Airport Avenue
Venice, FL 34285

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Walker Family

Walker Family
Samantha, Ned, Jesse, Debbie & Hannah

What are the Walkers doing right now?

We are moving!!

The last week of August, our family will be moving long-term to Santiago, Dominican Republic. We will be working with YWAM Santiago and the Martin Family! We are super excited about this transition. But also praying for wisdom as we figure out visa's, residency, what to do with our things, etc...

As always, we are praying that the Lord will use us wherever we are!

Lord, help us not to miss the things you have prepared for us to do!